2004 15-1  An Analytical Study of Counselor Verbal Re- sponse Modes and Client Responses in the Counseling Process - A Preliminary Study of a Localized Classification

Ting-Chia Lian

Shi-Sen Shyu
Tajen Insitute of Technology
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences

This study aims to explore the verbal interaction between counselors and clients.
The researchers analyzed the possible changes in the response modes when the coun-selors were facing the clients and approaching their problems. Clients' different re-sponse modes were also studied. A classification and coding system along with its practice were constructed for a localized counseling process. The research is a qualitative study based on the discovery一oriented psychotherapy research by Mahrer. The data analyzed were gathered from six counselors together with six clients. The results are as follows:
1. Counselors may have the verbal response modes of : greeting, expecting, setting the limits and wishing, support, listening, encouragement, immediateness, question, focusing, clarification, summarizing, empathy, reinforcement, catharsis,self-disclosure, guidance, confrontation, explanation, reframing, suggestion, in-struction, homework and providing information.
2. Different counseling stages result in different oral responses of the counselors.
3. In the counseling process, counselors' verbal responses are influenced by factors such as gender, years of service and client response.
4. In the process, clients' verbal response modes are influenced by the verbal response of counselors.
5. Other related findings include: The most frequently used response mode of coun.selors is 'support’, In the counselor and client verbal response is connection.
Based on the above findings, the research o旺ers related ideas and research sug- gestions for the reference of people working in the field of counseling guidance and counseling process.

counselor verbal response mode, client behavioral response, discovery-oriented psychotherapy research


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