200603 19-5 The Impact of the Father’s Expatriation to the Family: Studied from the Young Adulthood Student’s Recollected Experience
The purpose of this study was to explore the familial impact of the father’s expatriation according to children’s perceptions. The study employed in-depth interviews with qualitative exploratory methods. The major findings from 5 early adulthood students were as follows: The younger the children were, the stronger the separation anxiety. Children were unable to understand why the father was absent and they were eager for their father’s presence at home. As children growing up gradually, they felt ease but started to worry about the safety of their father. During college stage, the children could adapt themselves well to this kind of separate situation and realize the necessity and positive side-effects of the father’s expatriation. During the period of father’s expatriation, the relationship between father and children was not as close as this with the mother. Mother became the center of familial emotional connections and the communication channel between father and children. The elder child was much more likely to become parental child, helping their mother in performing household chores, caring for the younger and serving as parental confidant. In addition to the changes of the parent-child system, the marriage system and the overall family system were probably changed as well. Finally the findings are discussed as well as suggestions for the families of expatriates are made. 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