7-2 The Comparison of Guidance Effectiveness between Tutors and Military Officers at a Military Academy 一 CCIT

The study aims to compare the satisfaction and needs of guidance effectiveness between tutors and military officers at Chung Cheng Institute of Technology (CCIT). Guidance effectiveness is defined as five dimensions: affective support, academic learning, military adaptation, life management and personality development. The Guidance Effectiveness of Tutors/Military Officers Questionnaire adapted by the researcher was employed. There are 333 for tutors and 319 for military officers usable questionnaires obtained by stratified random sampling from cadets at CCIT. The results of the study were as follow:
1. There were no significant differences among different groups on cadets' satisfaction of tutors. However, there were significant differences among different groups on cadets' needs of tutors.
2. There were significant differences among different groups on cadets' satisfaction of military officers; so was on cadets' needs of military officers.
3.Cadets’ satisfaction of tutors proved to be no significant differences between cadets of two-year-system and fore-year-system. However, cadets' needs of tutors proved to be significant differences between cadets of two-year-system and fore-year-system.
4.Cadets’ satisfaction of military officers proved to be no significant differences between cadets of two-year- system and fore-year-system. However, Cadets' needs of military officers . proved to be significant differences between cadets of two-yearsystem and fore-year-system.
5.There was no significant difference of cadets' satisfaction between tutors and military officers; neither were cadets' needs between the two.
6.There were significant differences between cadets' satisfaction and needs of tutors; so were those of military officers.
7.There are 9 satisfactory items and 11 dissatisfactory ones among 25 cadets’evaluation items toward tutors. There are 12 satisfactory items and 6 dissatisfactory ones among 25 cadets' evaluation items toward military officers.
However, through T-test, cadets' satisfaction of guidance effectiveness proved to be
no significant differences between tutors and military officers holistically.

tutor, military officer, military academy, satisfaction, needs

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