7-3 The study of adjustment to the pressure and small group counseling process for student school counselors in their internship

This study provided three months' low structured small group counseling to the student-counselors when they started their internship in schools. Four research questions were raised: 1. What were the pressures these student counselors encountered in their first three month's internship in school? 2. What was the adjustment process to these student counselors? 3. What were the helps these student counselors gained from the small groups? 4. What were the difficulties and challenges the small group leaders met? And how they broke through these difficulties?
A total of 23 student counselors participated in three small groups and the three small group leaders were experienced in school counseling. Six sessions group counseling were taped and transcribed into verbatim. One group interview for the group members at the end of the whole group session was conducted. Three interview sessions with the three small group leaders were also conducted in different phase of the group process. The above data were analyzed by content analysis. The major findings were: 1. The pressures these student counselor encountered were: the
confusion of professional indentity, the pressured and isolated feelings from the interpersonal contacts in school; the dissatisfaction and disappointment with the self. 2. These student counselors were better adjusted at the end of three months' internship. 3.The helps gained from the small group were: the emotional support and the self growth, the professional learning from the group members and the group leader. 4. The challenges the group leaders met were: the different expectations of the group members, the resistance occurred in the group process, the over-burdened roles of the group leaders, the trustful relatic,1ship in the small groups, the balancing between the emotional support and the task completion toward group goal.
Lastly, the reflection of the school counselor education and the internship were addressed. The limitation of the research method employed were discussed. Suggestions were also made for future studies.

student counselor, adjustment to the pressure, small group counseling process

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