7-6 Expectations for Taiwan elementary school counselors and their training programs
Counseling psychologists and counseling educators have traditionally given limited attention to the needs of trainipg in elementary school counselors. To promote the effectiveness of elementary school . counseling, it is important to understand what characters of elementary school counselor were expected and what training programs should be developed in the future. Thus, the purpose of the present study were to investigate 1) expectations for elementary school counselors, 2) performance for current training programs, and 3) needs for future training program development in Taiwan.
A pilot interview was first conducted to develop the framework and items of expectations for elementary school counselors and their training programs. The Elementary School Counselor Training Program Questionnaire designed by the researcher, including the expectations for elementary school counselors and expectations for training programs, were administered and analyzed. Participants were 798, included faculty members, students, and alumni from training programs. The returned rated was 63.18%. The major findings were:
I .Results supported the factorial validity and reliability of the questionnaire.
2.Expectations for elementary school counselors were highly demanded, which focused more on counseling attitudes, less on administration and evaluation abilities.
3.Participants perceived the performance of training programs were positively related to their expectations for elementary school counselors. The more important characters they expected, the better performance on the training programs.
4.There were significant discrepancies between the perceptions of faculty members and alumni on the levels of expectations for elementary school counselors, performance for cuηent training programs, and needs for future training programs.
5.The future development of training programs for elementary school counselors should focus more on practical training, such as special counseling skills for elementary school counseling, case management abilities for children, as well as demonstration and supervision involved.
Implications of the results for elementary school counselor education as well as
further research are discussed.
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