6-3 When novice counselors working with children: An exploratory study

Counseling psychologists and counselor educators have traditionally given limited attention to the needs of training in children counseling. To promote the effectiveness of counseling with children, it is important to understand what happen when counselors work with children clients. The purpose of this study was to explore the challenging experiences of novice children counselors and their responses when working with children.

Seven undergraduates (all females juniors) in counseling program were invited to participate in this study. Data were collected and analyzed by two depth-interviews and ten weekly written reports. Research found that the self-esteem of novice counselors and their identity as counselors were directly influenced by their experiences working with children. Research also revealed that novice counselors viewed their quality of counseling experiences primarily based on the client responses” and counseling progresses”. Implications and suggestions for further research as well as child counselor training are discussed.

individual counseling, novice counselors, children clients

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