6-7 A study of divorced-family adolescents' life adjustment in Tainan

The purpose of this study was to understand the adjustment of adolescents from divorced families and the relative factors affecting adjustment. For purpose of thestudy qualitative research was used. Eight divorced-family adolescents from junior high school of Tainan were interviewed.
The findings of interview were as follows:
1.In the divorced families, female adolescents had better adjustment than male 
2.The adjustment of 
divorced-family adolescents was not affected by custodial 
parents’ sex.
3.The adjustment of divorced-family adolescents was not affected by their 
parents’ divorced time.
4.The adjustment of divorced-family adolescents was aected neither by custodial 
parents’ sex nor by their sex.
5.Adolescents from divorced families would evaluate parents’ divorce events 
objectively and improve their adjustment with times going by.
6.Interpersonal adjustment was not so associated with family factors in divorced 
families .
7.In divorced families, custodial parent’s parenting were good for adolescents' learning adjustment.
8. Economic pressure and family conflict were more popular
 in divorced families.

life adjustment、divorced-family adolescents、interview

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