6-8 Role-conflicts and coping strategies of female elementary school teachers

The purpose of this study was to explore the role conflict and coping strategies of female elementary school teachers. Nine teachers who enrolled in the graduate in-service training program at Pingtung Teachers College were invited to participate a semi-structured interview. The qualitative research method was used to analyze the collected data. It was found that the sources of role conflict between work, family, and advanced study induce child rearing problems, family relationship, shortage of timeand energy, sex-role attitude, values, and social skills. As far as the coping staratgies,those female teachers usually adjust their attitude toward self, try the best to get alongwell with otheres, seek for support, clarify the self-other relationship, and open themselves to other roles. Psychological attitude with regard to self-efficacy,modernization, and social support were also discussed.

Role Conflict, Coping strategies, Self-Efficacy, Social Support

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