3-1 The Development of Counseling Ability Inventory and Analysis of Counseling Ability Patterns

The purpose of this investigation was two-folded: to develop an instrumentof college- level counselors’ counseling ability, and,thereby, to identify counseling ability patterns with the developed inventory. Hence, the two research questions were the followings(1) What was the framework of counseling ability recommended by counseling educators in Taiwan? (2) What were the counseling ability patterns of practicum counselors at college- level in Taiwan?
The Delphi survey resulted in a six-dimension framework of counseling ability, including professional behaviors, process skills, conceptualization skills, personalization skills, personality characteristics, and theoretical foundation. An inventory based on the six- dimension framework was developed via the following process: (developing rating stan- dards for each item based on expert rating data and literature analyses, (2) processing item-analyses of 109 practicum counselors at college-level.

Factor analysis of 49 items revealed a similar stucture as the Delphi framework. The only exception was that the dimension of process skills was further divided into three subdimensions: deep interaction, information interaction, and basic communication.

The Chronbach Alpha was used to examine internal consistency of each subscale. The Pearson correlation coefficcient was used to examine the convergency and discriminance validity. Finally, concerning criterion-related validity, seven one-item 11-point Likert scales of overall counseling ability and six dimensions of counseling ability were used as criteria. These analyses revealed support for the reliability and validity of the Inventory.

According to counseling educators' and supervisors’ ratings, process skills-basic communication was considered most important, and process skills-deep interaction and theorectical fundation were least important. Furthermore, in terms of the importance, rated by the counseling educators and supervisors, and the performance, presented by practicum counselors, of subscales, a paralleling order was found.

With cluster analysis, three practicum counselor clusters were found. The first cluster represented those with lower ability on all subscales, the third cluster those with higher counseling ability on all subscales, and the second cluster those with basic communication higher than the third, information interaction and personality characteristics similar with the third, conceptualization skills and personalization skills closer to the first, theorectical fundation similar with the first, and deep interaction lower than the first. It was theorized that: The practicum conselors propobaly develop from the first ability pattern to the third, and, then, to the second. The second reflected counselor in an transition stage in their professional development with confusion andswinging.

Given the findings and limits of this sutdy, recommendations for counseling education, supervision, and research were proposed.

College student, sttachment, love relationship, conflict



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