2002 11-3 Decision Making Process and Influencing Factors for Junior High School Students in their Application for Senior High School Admission

Shu-Hui Liu

Yi-Ching Lin
National Changhua University of Education Lin-Don High School

The purpose of this study was to explore the decision making process and influencing factors for Junior high school students in their application for senior high school admission. In addition, this study investigated the differences due to sex, academic performance and socioeconomic status in the decision making process.
Data were collected from 936 Grades 9 students applying for senior high school admission. The results were as the follows.
1. The decision making process could be divided into three phases. At first grade, junior high school students entered Awareness Phase, in which period they received educational information and understood their responsibility for future plan. At third grade, junior high school students entered Prescreening Phase, in which period they started to collect information and thought about their choice on application. Junior high school students entered Decision-making Phase after they finished entrance ex- amination or got the result of examination. This was the final phase and junior high school students would decide which school to apply.
2. In the process of decision-making, the most important and frequent educational information resources for junior high school students were from senior high schools or junior colleges.
3. There were different significant others in different stages. In Awareness Phase, teachers' suggestions were considered the most helpful resources, but in Prescreening Phase and Decision-making Phase, parents’ opinions were rated as the most influential factors.
4. There were different selection strategies in different phases. In Awareness Phase, the most important information for junior high school students was about occupational opportunity, school reputation, recruitment criteria, and educational opportunity. In Prescreening Phase, junior high school students identified the considered choice based on the most important selection criteria, interest, ability and academic performance, parental expectation and tuition. They eliminated options whose characteristics are not compatible with the selection criteria. Usually, they set up a range ofacceptable 2 to 5 options for future exploration. In Decision-making Phase, they compared their entrance exam scores and their acceptable range to make their final decision.
5. Decision-making process was significantly related to sex, socioeconomic status, and academic performance. Sex was related to beginning time of Awareness Phase, information content, beginning time of Prescreening Phase, acceptable range, selection criteria, beginning time of Decision-making Phase, influential others and influential factors in decision-making. Those sex differences were consistent withgender-stereotyrpe. Socioeconomic status was related to information resources, beginning time of Awareness Phase, selection criteria, beginning time of Decision-making Phase and influential factors in decision-making. Academic performance was related to beginning time of Prescreening Phase, acceptable range, and selection criteria. Itwas indicated that students with low socioeconomic status and poor academic per- formance were in disadvantage going through multiple institutions ofrecruitment.
Obtained results were consistent with Gott企edson's (1981) circumscription and compromise theory and Gati’s (1986) sequential elimination model. Discussion and implications were provided based on the results of study for future research and practice .

career decision, educational choice, decision-making process, multiple institutions of recruitment


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